IFACI Documents database
International Professional Practices Framework
Magazines, Newsletters and Studies
GPI Cybersecurity 08-2022
Global Perspectives and Insight - From Conformance to Ambition
Tone at the top 100 - The Board’s Role in an Evolving Internal Audit Plan - August 2020
Tone at the top 101 - Quels enseignements tirer de la pandémie de COVID-19 - Octobre 2020
EHS Planning for COVID-19 and Beyond // IIA
Global Perspectives and Insights - Understanding the Effects of Diversity and Inclusion on Organizations
Tone at the top 97 - Data Governance - February 2020
Tone at the top 95 - Reimagining the Corporate Board
Global Perspective & Insights - Optimizing Talent Management in an Evolving Audit Landscape
Tone at the Top 93 - Audit Tiptoes the Line Between Audit and Risk Management / June 2019
Global Perspectives and Insights - 5G and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Part 2)
Tone at the Top 92 - Generating and Bringing Accurate Information to the Board / April 2019
Global Perspectives and Insights - 5G and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Part I)
Tone at the top 91 - Boards Look to Harness Blockchain Disruption / Fev 2019
Lettre mensuelle IFACI - février 2019
Lettre mensuelle IFACI – Janvier 2019
Tone at the top 90 - Budgeting the Internal Audit Function: How Much Is Enough? / dec 2018
Tone at the top 89 - An Oversight in our Oversight / Oct 2018
Tone at the top 87 - The Carillion Failure: Misunderstood Risks and Constrained Auditors / June 2018
Global Perspectives and Insights - Agility and Innovation
Tone at the top 88 - A Conspiracy of Silence? / Aug 2018
Global Perspectives and Insights - 2018: Top Risks Faced by Chief Audit Executives
Tone at the top 86 - Crisis Resiliency: Missed Conversations, Misplaced Confidence / March 2018
Global perspectives and Insights - Internal Audit in the Age of Disruption
Global perspectives and Insights - The IIA's Artificial Intelligence Auditing Framework - Practical Applications, part B
Global Perspectives and Insights - Artificial Intelligence : Considerations for the Profession of Internal Auditing
Tone at the top 85 - Artificial Intelligence: The future of Internal Auditing / Dec 2017
Global Perspectives and Insights - The IIA’s Artificial Intelligence Auditing Framework, Part A
Global Perspectives and Insights - Internal Audit and External Audit
Tone at the Top 84 - Internal Audit's Role in Assuring Accurate Board Information / Oct 2017
Global Perspectives and Insights - Crisis resilience
Global Perspectives and Insights - Elevating Internal Audit’s Strategic Impact
Tone at the Top 83 - What CAEs Should Know About Stakeholder Expectations / Aug 2017
Tone at the top 82 - Insight That Internal Audit Brings to Cybersecurity Culture / June 2017
Tone at the top 81 - Internal Audit’s Role in an Era of Reduced Regulations / April 2017
Tone at the top 80 - Executive Compensation: It Pays to Review / fev 2017
Tone at the top 79 - Regulatory Roulette? Best Bets for Managing Compliance Risk / Oct 2016
Tone at the top 78 - CEO and Chairman: Are Two Heads Better Than One? / Aug 2016
Global Perspectives and Insights - Beyond the Numbers : Internal Audit’s Role in Nonfinancial Reporting
Internal Audit as Trusted Cyber Adviser
Global Perspectives and Insights - Grappling With Geopolitics
Global perspectives and Insights - Auditing Culture : A Hard Look at the Soft Stuff
Global Perspectives and Insights - Emerging trends
Tone at the top 75 - Beyond the Numbers: The New World of Nonfinancial Reporting / Dec 2015
GPI Cybersecurity 08-2022
Global Perspectives and Insight - From...
Tone at the top 100 - The Board’s Role in an...
Tone at the top 101 - Quels enseignements tirer...
EHS Planning for COVID-19 and Beyond // IIA
Global Perspectives and Insights - Understanding...
Tone at the top 97 - Data Governance - February...
Tone at the top 95 - Reimagining the Corporate...
Global Perspective & Insights - Optimizing Talent...
Tone at the Top 93 - Audit Tiptoes the Line...
Global Perspectives and Insights - 5G and the...
Tone at the Top 92 - Generating and Bringing...
Global Perspectives and Insights - 5G and the...
Tone at the top 91 - Boards Look to Harness...
Lettre mensuelle IFACI - février 2019
Lettre mensuelle IFACI – Janvier 2019
Tone at the top 90 - Budgeting the Internal Audit...
Tone at the top 89 - An Oversight in our...
Tone at the top 87 - The Carillion Failure:...
Global Perspectives and Insights - Agility and...
Tone at the top 88 - A Conspiracy of Silence? /...
Global Perspectives and Insights - 2018: Top...
Tone at the top 86 - Crisis Resiliency: Missed...
Global perspectives and Insights - Internal Audit...
Global perspectives and Insights - The IIA's...
Global Perspectives and Insights - Artificial...
Tone at the top 85 - Artificial Intelligence: The...
Global Perspectives and Insights - The IIA’s...
Global Perspectives and Insights - Internal Audit...
Tone at the Top 84 - Internal Audit's Role in...
Global Perspectives and Insights - Crisis...
Global Perspectives and Insights - Elevating...
Tone at the Top 83 - What CAEs Should Know About...
Tone at the top 82 - Insight That Internal...
Tone at the top 81 - Internal Audit’s Role in...
Tone at the top 80 - Executive Compensation: It...
Tone at the top 79 - Regulatory Roulette? Best...
Tone at the top 78 - CEO and Chairman: Are Two...
Global Perspectives and Insights - Beyond the...
Internal Audit as Trusted Cyber Adviser
Global Perspectives and Insights - Grappling With...
Global perspectives and Insights - Auditing...
Global Perspectives and Insights - Emerging...
Tone at the top 75 - Beyond the Numbers: The New...